ready to change your life by changing your mind?

The Mindset Mastery Method for
Ambitious Christians on a Mission

Discover how to unlock your full potential and achieve anything you want by rewiring your brain using neuroscience, coaching and faith based principles.


your mind


You’re an ambitious Christian on a mission!

You’re smart, educated and experienced. You love to serve your clients with passion and purpose. You know your expertise and how to serve your clients, family business and/or ministry.

You feel strongly that it’s important to align your Christian faith with your mission.

You’re so strong, but the weight of the world AND everyone else’s seems to fall steadily on YOUR shoulders.

But lately that weight has felt heavier and heavier.

You used to be able to handle your responsibilities with confidence, and still rise and shine in every moment of need.

But you’re tired. More tired than usual. Burn out and breakdown are edging closer and closer.

Focusing is becoming more and more challenging.

Your energy is depleted, your health is declining, and you are dreaming of a one way ticket to Hawaii !

By the time you pour what you do have into the day’s needs, there’s nothing left for you … or spending quality time with your family.

You feel torn between serving your clients and leading your team; and being there for your husband and children.

The drain on your energy is costing your peace of mind.

You’re stuck in frustration! But you don’t have to be…

There is a way you can wake up each morning feeling excited to face the day.

You can learn how to unload the heavy weights holding you down, renew your energy and regain your focus!

You can get back on track to pursuing the things you’ve wanted to have for years. No more putting off that dream vacation.

Even if you feel a little lost and overwhelmed, Unstick Your Mind will teach you how to get the YOU back so you can be better than ever!

How to get on the path to success

Treating the symptoms in your life and business with quick fixes like courses, strategies, and consultants never seems to get to the root of the problem.

As a Christian in leadership you can suffer from burnout because of isolation and a lack of boundaries.

By nature you are a natural nurturer and can tend to percolate and worry about things.

You don’t want a band aid for a temporary fix. You want to identify the root cause to find a long lasting solution.

This is a personal training program for your mind!

Together we will optimize your mental performance.

Learn how to turn negative emotions into positive change.

Be the Boss of your Brain!

The Unstick Your Mind Method will train you how to rewire your brain!

Stop the suffering from feeling stuck, heal your soul from the mental mess, and unlock explosive growth so you can make a big impact!

Slow Down to Speed Up

This course is designed for ambitious Christian Women who are serious about doing what God wants them to do, running their business how God wants them to do it, and are committed to implementing the strategies.

You’ll uncover what you need to know to align yourself with YOUR true calling, and step into the success God has planned for YOU. No more comparison, confusion or lack of clarity.

This course with be the impetus you need to ignite your visionary goals. Finally live a fulfilled and successful life of purpose and impact by partnering with God to achieve the impossible!

Join the Unstick Your Mind today!

The Simple Way

I’ve helped many Christian Women get out the rut they find themselves in, and finally live the life they’ve been dreaming of.

I’ve found the SIMPLEST way to do it with no fluff, no empty promises, no more staying stuck.

In Unstick Your Mind we remove everything from your to-do list, except the most basic and vital steps.

We SLOW your down to SPEED you up!

We tackle the things you experience the MOST drama and confusion about:

– Your mindset.
– Your beliefs.
– Your action taking.

We help you decide efficiently how to process challenges, and get you moving on to more important and less drama-filled work.

Each of the 12 Modules inside Unstick Your Mind are designed to address every single foundational skill you need to achieve your goals and beyond.

– These skills will stay with you for life.
– These skills will make you better at overcoming obstacles.
– These skills will help give you confidence in who you are and what you do.
– These skills will position to to get anything you want in life when you have a managed mind!

Not only will you be capable of helping yourself break through any barrier, but you will also help others obtain the results that they want by being a catalyst for change.

Being a master of your mindset is a life long skill that can be applied to any circumstance, any challenge and any obstacle.

You learn these skills inside Unstick Your Mind.

You might think that you are too busy, or you may feel like a fraud. You may be thinking that if anyone knew what a hot mess your mind is, that you’d get “caught for living a lie”.

But all you need to focus on is taking one step at a time, and serving yourself and others from a place of love.

Where you are now is the perfect time to start!

Stop thinking about your past, your educational background, or your current results. What this means for you is…

You just need to START.

So don’t let thoughts of not having enough time, enough education, enough skills, or enough confidence stop you.

Start with Unstick Your Mind and we will build your confidence and skills one simple step at a time!

The results you will get

Change your Mindset to Change your Life

Overcome the overwhelm so you only do what you need to do to live the life of your dreams!

Who is this for?

I came to give life with joy and abundance.” – John 10:10

“Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.”
– Romans 12:2

The time has come to end the overwhelm and finally getting unstuck by Rewiring your Brain!

Unstick Your Mind is not just a course
but will help you create life changing shifts!

Our Signature Modules

Be the Boss of your Brain!

You’re on the cusp of making the decision to grow and leverage the power of a rewired mind!


Be the Boss of your Brain!

“But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength. They will soar on wings as eagles. They will run—never winded, never weary. They will walk—never tired, never faint.”
– Isaiah 40:31

Christian Philosophies & Principles

The content taught in this course includes the Bible as a reference and teaching point. We tie scientific neuroscience research with faith based truths. We apply Christian Theophostic Ministry or Inner Healing Principles and visualization techniques.

What we are NOT

This course does not subscribe to, teach or endorse eastern philosophies like yoga, crystal healing, or any forms of occult practices, witchcraft, manifestation or magic. It does not prescribe to new age philosophies, energy healing, hypnosis, seances, or unscriptural meditation practices. The teachings are based in the bible with neuroscience proof to back up our approach, along with scientific research and methods on optimizing the mind.

Be the Boss of your Brain!


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